Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

MIND diet is the short term for Mediterranean-DASH intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay and it is the mixture of Mediterranean and DASH diet. Mediterranean diet is the foods consumed by Mediterranean people which are mainly fruits, vegetables, fish, wine, yogurt, and olive oil. Moreover DASH is the short term for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.


Mediterranean and DASH diet is known for prevention hypertension, cardiac infarction and stroke. A recent research studied the effects of the mixture of these 2 diets- which are already known for preventing adult diseases- on the brain aging.

The research published in ‘The Journal of Alzheimer’s & Dementia’ studied closely 960people (average age of 81.4 years old) for 4.7 years, and as a result, those who had a diet similar to MIND had brains 7.5 years healthier than those who didn’t.

This MIND diet recommends consuming ingredients good for brain :

whole grains, green vegetables, eat other vegetables every day accompanied by wine from time to time
nuts 3~4 times per week
poultries, and berries like strawberries and grapes twice every week.


red meat
butter and margarine
cheese, bread, fried foods
are in the MIND diet but aren’t healthy for brain.

The positive effects of Mediterranean diet and DASH diet which was known since long for its hypertension effects are continuously being found. The MIND diet which mixed two diets have proven itself health for brain so we believe that it could not only prevent several adult diseases but also prevent dementia which is the biggest problem in the future society.

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