Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

With a booming tech sector, Canada is welcoming new tech talent from all over the world. It has not been able to keep up with growth and needs people to expand the labour force. Giant tech companies, such as Google, are investing more into Canada and want to grow their businesses here. Did you know that there are over 250,000 people who work in the tech sector just in Toronto?

Canada immigration for tech workers is a Global Skills Strategy that has been put into place to help employers fill the job demand with highly skilled workers. They are from many countries, welcoming the chance to put their skills to work in Canada. With the possibility of remaining in Canada and becoming a permanent resident and then a citizen, the Global Sills Strategy may appeal to employers as well as employees.

Top occupations of Global Skills Talent from 2017 to 2021

This is a list of the top 5 occupations and their numbers that were in demand during the years 2017 to 2021:

  • Computer programmers and interactive media developers – 11,448
  • Information systems analysts and consultants – 10,160
  • Software engineers and designers – 10,029
  • University professors and lecturers – 5,986
  • Computer and information systems managers – 4,069

Temporary Work Permits Allow Hiring Tech Talent Quickly

There are certain programs that allow companies in need of skilled tech workers, to hire them quickly. This is through the Global Talent Stream. This program attempts to process applications quickly, with a two week standard after the application has been submitted by the potential employee. They will receive a temporary work permit, which is the first step in achieving permanent residency.

Category A

Designated referral partners have recommended these employers. They are located outside of Quebec. Some of them are the following, but there are many more in different provinces throughout the country.

  • Accelerate Okanagan
  • Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  • BC Tech Association
  • Burlington Economic Development Corporation
  • Business Development Bank of Canada
  • Canadian Economic Development for Quebec Regions
  • Cape Breton Partnership
  • City of Brampton
  • City of Hamilton’s Economic Development Office
  • City of Mississauga
  • Communitech Corporation
  • Council of Canadian Innovators
  • Economic Development Winnipeg
  • Edmonton Economic Development
  • Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

There are many more listed at the Global Talent Stream under category A.

Category B

These highly skilled workers are found on a list of Occupations. These jobs have been determined to be in high demand, and there is not enough talent inside of Canada to fill these positions. Some of the codes and occupations include the following:

  • O213 – Computer and information systems managers
  • 2147 – Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
  • Sub-set of 2161* – Mathematicians and statisticians (actuaries and related positions are excluded)
  • 2171 – Information systems analysts and consultants
  • 2173 – Software engineers and designers
  • 2174 – Computer programmers and interactive media developers
  • 2175 – Web designers and developers
  • 2281 – Computer Network technicians
  • 2283 – Information systems testing technicians
  • Sub-set of 5131 – Producer, technical, creative and artistic director and project manager – Visual effects and video game
  • Sub-set of 5241 – Digital Media and Design

The jobs involving the Sub-set of 5131, video games and visual effects, require three years of experience. The other job category, Sub-set of 5241 – Digital Media and Design, also requires three years of industry experience.


What can these employees earn? Wages for these jobs are the prevailing wage. However, for 2281, 2283 and the last two categories, wages may be approximately $37 to $39 or higher. Employers must commit to paying the wages that are the prevailing wage.

These wages are determined through the following: the median wage for the occupation on the Government of Canada’s Job Bank; the wage within the range an employer pays current employees in the same position at the same location, with the same skills and experience; and the minimum wage floor as defined in the Global Talent occupations list (if applicable).

Benefits of Working in Canada For the Skilled

You will enjoy more job security if you decide to remain in Canada. You will not have to worry about losing your job if you have to take time off from work for sickness or a disability.

Most of the jobs in Canada offer good wages, and those mentioned above are no exceptions. In general, jobs in our country pay even higher than jobs in the U.S. Other jobs, besides those in the technology industry, pay well. This might be important if you have a family members who also will be working in Canada.

Higher paychecks than those in the U.S. can be found in accounting and administration, childcare and education, construction and maintenance, healthcare and social services, hospitality, legal, shipping and manufacturing, transportation, retail and customer service and more.

As a worker in Canada, you will have shorter hours than in many other countries. The work week in an office is usually 36 to 40 hours. In other countries, that may be 40 to 44 hours of work per week. What about vacation time? The general rule is that if you have worked less than 5 years, you have two weeks of paid vacation. That increases with the length of service to your company, with three weeks vacation after 5 years.

For those who are planning a family, incredible federally mandated childcare benefits are in place. In a two-parent family, there are 5 extra weeks of “daddy days” or “non-birthing” parents in addition to 35 – 61 shared weeks of paid leave.

Working and living in Canada may increase your overall happiness. In 2022, Canada was ranked at 15, according to the World Happiness Report for overall happiness based on available data.

Want to learn more?

If you would like to learn more about opportunities for immigration to Canada, we are a certified immigration consultant. We can provide information about temporary work permits as well as permanent residency and family immigration to Canada. Contact us with your questions and concerns.

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